A few rogue tears did spring forth afterward as I shared with my coworker seated behind me that the presentation made me so sad I didn't know how I'd possibly deal with a "near death" patient any time soon. And here I thought I had gotten over being such a big marshmallow! I told him I was a little embarrassed that I felt like crying when no one else in the room seemed the least bit bothered by the content of the presentation (didn't mention the whole FIL bit because that would have been too much for me to verbalize and bear). He said the only reason I didn't see more tears was that I didn't turn around. He was a little tearful, too, because he is currently working on the palliative care unit and has already experienced death and dying patients..
If all of that wasn't enough, I went to church tonight to have ashes smudged on my forehead in the shape of a cross to remind me that I'd come from ashes and to ashes I would someday return. The season of Lent or the 40 days leading up to Easter Sunday is a time of spiritual reflection, a time of sacrifice in memory of God's ultimate sacrifice (John 3:16). Then the choir sang Fix Me, Jesus, Fix Me. Did I ever feel like I needed some fixing today...
Fix me with a starry crown. Fix me, Jesus, fix me
Fix me with a long white robe. Fix me, Jesus, fix me
Anyone familiar with this song? Want to take a guess at the next refrain?
Fix me for my journey home. Fix me, Jesus, fix me
I thought of the victims of the car accident this morning. I thought of my patients and their families. I thought of my father in law, and I couldn't hold back the tears. Oh, how I tried to stop them! I took a deep, cleansing breath (which was kind of shuddery as I exhaled), I tried blinking my eyes to "clear" my eyeballs like windshield wipers on a drizzly day...to no avail. Realizing I had no tissues in my tiny little purse, I dabbed at my eyes with the tail of my jacket and prayed that my nose wouldn't run, too. My daughter handed me a tissue from her purse and looked the other way. I'm sure it's rather embarrassing for a pre-teen to have one's mother balling in public for no apparent reason.
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ReplyDeleteHey Eastlyn! I usually read blogs on the reader on my phone because I don't always have time to actually sit at the computer. But when I read this I knew I had to leave a comment.
ReplyDeleteYou are such a wonderful, caring, beautiful, bleeding heart.
I don't know if you could have chosen a better profession and I can't even imagine the people you will be blessing!
I have been blessed by getting to know you and we have never even met face to face! (Thank the Lord for internet!:)
I know I have said it before, but you are a breath of fresh air and I love ya! :)
I have to shout a big AMEN to what my girl Sassy said up there. She's right...you have a big 'ole heart and it's going to serve your patients and the Lord well. I can't imagine a more perfect person for such a sensitive and tough job. You have a heart of gold, my friend.